Arcadia represents the collective beliefs, visions, and ideas of a group of intelligent, experienced and ethical individuals who are committed to creating wealth through technological innovation.
This is different than simply courting risk or chasing volatility during temporary market disruptions. Rather, it is a clear-eyed analysis of the disintermediation that is taking place in the financial services industry, with the ultimate goal of using this analysis to drive an investment approach that actually de-risks the world of specialized platform lending — including consumer, small business, micro debt, specialty finance, and an array of other unique financing situations. It is in this arena that Arcadia has staked its claim and where it is making its name.
While the embrace of technology-based solutions for investors can be applied to various other sectors, Arcadia’s developed expertise and creative edge resides in the world of thoughtfully developed financial partnerships.
At Arcadia Funds, we believe that financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing inequality and boosting prosperity.
To achieve this, we’ve built a platform that allows us to swiftly allocate capital, on a global scale, to companies seeking to ensure that all households and businesses, regardless of income level, have access to and can effectively use the appropriate financial services and products they need.
We invest our capital and expertise across the enterprise lifecycle, from promising early stage startups to transformational public companies. And where we see important problems that aren’t being solved, we are unafraid to start companies ourselves.
Nevertheless, we are also cognizant that the change we seek will not be immediate. Increasing global financial inclusion is a multi-decade and multi-generational mission, and the work may never be complete.
We apply our passion, technology, and capital in two ways.
Innovative Investment Strategies: Rather than only providing traditional equity or debt capital, we look for and often design alternative strategies best suited for our partner companies.
Innovative Technology Platforms: Technology is crucial to advancing our mission. We’ve leveraged advances in high performance computing, data analysis, and machine intelligence to build a proprietary technology platform that allows us to develop sophisticated credit models, appropriately manage our portfolios, refine our investment process, and track global credit market trends.
So far, this has taken the form of, buying and participating in direct lending products, owning revolving credit facilities, providing capital for insurance linked securities, among other structures and solutions.

$6 Billion
Invested or advised